How long does it take to ship out an order?

We aim to have all orders shipped out next business day but as this is a one-woman operation it may take up to 5.

How do we ship your order?

We use Australia Post to ship all orders but if an order is local we may hand deliver it to get it to you faster

Why is shipping $12?

This is the minimum of what it costs to ship out a parcel in Australia for a small box although most of the parcels sent out are medium or large sized and cost us $14 - $18 so $12 is a bargain! 

What is the monthly competition?

In every order I put in a thank you card and on it is an opportunity to win a $30 prize pack. Just send us or tag us in a photo of your dog (or cat) enjoying their puptopian items. Comp drawn the 1st of every month and the winner will be notified by instagram DM or email. We love seeing your photos and love posting them to socials for others to enjoy. Please let us know if you don't want your photos shared. The Prize pack will be picked especially for the winner and could contain anything from our store and will be a minimum of $30 value

Can I be an ambassador and get a discount code?

We currently don't use ambassadors to advertise. I like to keep my costs as low as possible to give everyone the opportunity to buy at a great price all the time. If I had discount codes running or giving away free items I would have to factor that into pricing. But who knows what the future brings!!

Can you pack my order on tiktok?

I love packing orders on tiktok. If you leave me a note at checkout asking me to pack it on tiktok I will try my hardest to be able to. I cant guarantee I will because sometimes time doesn't allow and it also might mean it going to the post office a day later so I can find the time. If you forget to leave a note at checkout you can ask me via email or socials but I might not see it before packing orders.

If you purchase a mystery box or a present for someone and ask me to pack it on tiktok please be aware it might ruin any surprise.

Where can I pick up my order?

Pick up is from a residential address 16 fricker ave Greensborough in Melbourne and is contactless. Once you order is ready to be picked up you will receive an email to let you know. Please let us know via email or text (details will be in the email) to let us know when you will like to pick up. It will also let you know if any details about pick up change. Please be aware there are lots of stairs to the frount door. If this is an issue you can contact me to arrange someone to bring it down to you

Where does our stock come from?

That's a little cheeky ;) While I am not willing to my suppliers I will tell you we search far and wide to bring you the best items! Some places will get all their treats from the same manufacturer to make life easier but just because they have great beef items it doesn't mean their chicken items are the best. Which is the same reason we don't make all our treats. I know my limitations.

The bickies are made by me right here in my Melbourne kitchen

Meat treats are all Australian farmed and made with the exemption of rawhide (including porkhide) which is imported.

Grooming items are Aussie made

Toys are a mix of Imported and Locally made